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Jagmeet Singh Instagram

Jagmeet Singh and His Wife Welcome Second Child


Jagmeet Singh and his wife, Gurkiran Kaur Sidhu, have welcomed their second child, a daughter.

Official Announcement

The couple announced the birth of their daughter on Instagram on January 6, 2022. "Gurkirankaur_ and I want to let you know that we are so excited to welcome a beautiful baby girl into our family," Singh wrote in the post.

Social Media Reaction

The announcement was met with warm congratulations from followers and supporters. On Instagram, the post received over 182K likes and 5988 comments. On Twitter, Singh's announcement was also widely shared and celebrated.

Political Support

Colleagues and political leaders from across the spectrum extended their well wishes to the couple. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted, "Congratulations to Jagmeet Singh and Gurkiran Kaur Sidhu on the arrival of their precious daughter. May she bring you both endless joy and laughter."
